The Importance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Amazing as it may seem, water should be the most important part of your weight loss program. Water is a true catalyst when it comes to weight loss and keeping it off permanently. You should drink 64 ounces of water a day. If you drink very little water now, you are probably going to have gradually increase your water intake until you reach 64 ounces. Adding more water to your diet will help you have a more consistent weight loss.

Here are some facts about water and the reasons that it can help you with your weight loss:
• Water suppresses your appetite naturally and helps you body metabolize stored fat. Research has shown that decreasing your water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while increasing your water intake can reduce fat deposits.
• The way to fight fluid retention is to drink enough water. When the body does not get enough water it tends to hold on to every drop for dear life, causing your body to store water outside the cells, resulting in swelling. Using diuretics will cause the same effect. If you are experiencing excess water retention, you may want to examine the amount of salt that is in your diet. Your weight loss will come faster if you can reduce the amount of salt in your diet. If you are overweight you need more water than a person of normal weight.
• Water helps your muscles maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles the natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration.
• Water helps prevent the sagging skin that follows weight loss.
• Water helps rid you body of waste and it also helps prevent constipation.
• Water is absorbed into your system more quickly if it is cold. There is evidence to suggest that drinking cold water can burn calories.
• When you drink the optimum amount of water and you no longer experience fluid retention, more fat is used to fuel your body and you will experience less cravings and hunger.

Water truly does sustain your life and without we will die. It is amazing that something so simple and something that is free is so important to our lives. If you drink 64 ounces of water daily, within a month you should notice a lot of differences in yourself. Our bodies are made up mostly of water and the best way to keep them healthy is to drink a lot of it.

About Author
Marjorie Salada is the owner of Weight Loss 3000, a website that contains information on weight loss, exercise, weight loss surgery and living a healthy lifestyle.
