How to Burn off Body Fat with a Compound Exercise Workout

How to burn off body fat. It's the burning question for any person who wants to look good in a swim suit. A clean diet of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and essential fatty acids counts for as much as 80% of your fat burning efforts. The remaining 20% is left for exercise. Let's learn how to burn off body fat quickly with compound exercises. These 5 compound weightlifting exercises can give you maximum results in minimum time because each exercise works a large group of muscles rather than isolating individual muscles. This will burn more calories in less time while prompting the body to increase muscle mass and burn stored body fat.

1. Clean and Press
Facing the barbell, stand with legs shoulder width apart, keep your knees inside your arms and feet flat on the floor. Squat down and extend your arms completely. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip that is shoulder width distance apart. Extend your knees, move your hips forward, raise your shoulders, and lift the barbell straight up all in one movement.
Move your hips forward and continue pulling until your knees are under the barbell. Lift bar quickly by extending you knees and hips in a jumping movement. Pull the barbell as high as possible while keeping it close to your body. Shrug your shoulders and exhale.
Slowly rotate your elbows under the barbell and hold the bar across the front of your shoulders. Press the barbell overhead while maintaining control of the barbell and then lower it slowly to the upper part of your thighs. Squat down to the while keeping barbell close to your shins. Return the barbell to the ground. This movement involves all major muscle groups.

2. Bench Press
Lie face up on a flat bench, slightly arch your back, keep your buttocks touching the bench and feet flat on the floor. Hold the barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip and just a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Inhale and lower the bar to chest level making sure that your elbows are parallel to the ground. Exhale while extending your arms back up to end to movement. Maintain control of the weights at all times.

3. Deadlift
Facing the barbell, stand with legs shoulder width apart, stomach muscles tightened and slightly arch your back. Bend from your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold the bar using either an overhand or underhand grip. Inhale and lift the bar by straightening the legs. Contract the back muscles at the top of the movement. Exhale as you lower the bar to the starting position.

4. Squats
Slide under the barbell and place it across the tops of your shoulders, not your neck. Grip the bar with your hands and look directly in front of you. Inhale and tighten the stomach muscles so that your body doesn't collapse forward. Slightly arch your back and remove the barbell from its stand. Step back a few paces from the stand and place both feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Toes should be pointed slightly outward. Bend forward from your hips and continue until your thighs are just beyond parallel to the floor. Exhale while straightening your legs and lift your body back to the starting position. Dumbbells can be used as an alternative to the barbell.

5. Military Press
Sit on a flat bench with your back straight and hold the barbell with an overhand grip. Inhale, extend your arms and push the barbell upward. Lower the barbell back down as you exhale.

Vary the weight used, number of reps and number of sets to keep your body challenged. You can do one set of each exercise with heavy weights if you're short on time. Finish this compound exercise workout with a few tough sets of crunches or other abdominal exercises and you will have hit every major muscle group in your body. Applying this or any other workout to your lifestyle consistently is the key principle in how to burn off body fat.

About Author
Rebecca Welch is a successful Webmaster and publisher of She provides researched information on womens fitness lifestyles.