Exercise = Weight Loss; The Only Way

Exercise = Weight Loss; The only way to get on the road to losing fat and gaining muscle There Are No Short Cuts On This Road (No matter how much you want to believe those ads you see everywhere you go) Exercise and Proper Dieting is the key to a satisfactory conclusion when you want to lose weight. SUPPLEMENTS CAN BUILD MUSCLE OR BURN FAT, AS THE KEY TO TRANSFORMING YOUR BODY.

That's the message, Plus Size Figure.com carries to women all over the world. Our website comprising of sources to fitness training, nutritionists, gynecologists and orthopedic surgeon aim to bring you a complete resource on how to achieve a healthy and permanent weight loss.

Your body is composed of two components fat and fat-free, such as muscle, bone, and water. Each of these components plays a critical role in the health of the body. The Fat Mass in your body or (FM) is the total amount of fat in the body. The ideal amount of fat for minimal disease risk is 23%-31% of total body weight in women.

The following types of fat is what your body's Fat mass consists of:

* Subcutaneous Fat, also called Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (SAT), is located directly beneath the skin. Subcutaneous fat serves as insulation against outside cold.

* Visceral Fat, also called Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT), is located deeper within the body. Visceral fat serves as a cushion between organs. Omental and mesenteric fat (in the abdomen) are examples of visceral fat.

Fat-Free Mass (FFM), also called Lean Body Mass (LBM), is the total amount of nonfat (lean) parts of the body. It consists of approximately 73% water, 20% protein, 6% minerals, and 1% ash.

Healthy weight is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to or greater than 19 and less than 24.9 among all people aged 20 or over. To determine body mass index, divide weight in kilograms (2.2 lbs. = 1 kg) by height in meters squared (39.4 ins. = 1 m). Click here to check your BMI.

A woman possessing a BMI equal to or greater than 25 and less than 29.9, is considered overweight with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type II Diabetes.

Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 30, which approximates 30 pounds of excess weight. This category can be further divided into three depending on the body mass index, Mild Obesity with a BMI of 30-34.9, Moderate Obesity--35-39.9(BMI) and finally Extreme Obesity with a BMI of >40.

Another common way of analyzing body weight is the use of Waist-to-Hip ratio, WHR is calculated as follows:
WHR = Waist Circumference ÷ Hip Circumference, a desirable WHR is <0.80 for women. A waist-to-hip ratio of 1.0 or higher is considered "at risk" or in the danger zone for undesirable health consequences, such as heart disease and other ailments connected with being overweight.

Measuring waist circumference is a common measure used to assess abdominal fat content. The presence of excess body fat in the abdomen, when out of proportion to total body fat, is considered an independent predictor of risk factors and ailments associated with obesity. Women are at risk who have a waist measurement greater than 35 inches (88 cm).

So Lady's, adopt some from of weight management program with sensible goals and expectations. You should lose weight gradually. For a safe and healthy weight loss try not to loss more than two pounds per week. If you feel you need to loss weight rapidly please consult with a physician.

About The Author: William Wynn a Fashion Designer and Manufacturer of apparel for over 15 years. So stop by and visit me at http://www.plussizefigure.com for more great clothing.

Source: ArticleTrader.com