All about Phentermine

Are you tired of carrying those extra pounds? If you are looking for a weight loss pill, then the name Phentermine must be familiar to you. Phentermine is considered as the first diet pill to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1959. It is an appetite suppressant that is used for the treatment of obesity. Currently, it is sold under the brand names of Ionamin and Adipex-P. It is also available as a generic medication under the name of Phentermine.

Phentermine diet pill works by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and producing a feeling of fullness. This drug is best for individuals who are unable to control their eating habits and in whom eating habits or behavior alone is responsible for excessive weight gain. The most important thing to note about this diet pill is that the weight loss produced by Phentermine is greatest during the first few weeks of therapy. However, slowly, the beneficial effect wears off. Therefore, Phentermine is best for short term weight management.

The use of Phentermine diet pills in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers has not been studied. It is, therefore, recommended that the drug should not be used in these groups. Also, alcohol consumption along with the pill may produce adverse drug reactions. So alcohol should be avoided. Another important thing to be considered before taking Phentermine is that the drug is habit forming. You can become physically and psychologically dependent on this medication. So be careful and know the drug better before you actually start taking it.

Phentermine is a cheap diet pill that is available online on many websites. If you think, you can use this pill taking few precautions, just go ahead and buy it now. It is the best pill among all appetite suppressant drugs and will definitely bring effective results.

About Author
“Kim Parker” is an associate editor to the website It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and didrex. We also provide articles on health related topics.
