5 Reasons Why Exercise is Essential for Weight Loss

Exercise is an essential part of weight loss. You may be able to lose some weight without exercising, but if you expect to reach your goal weight exercise is going to have to enter into the picture somewhere. Besides helping you lose weight, exercise helps you maintain your health in other ways.

1. Exercise Prevents Muscle Loss. Keeping your muscle may not seem important to you, but it should. Your muscle is what helps you burn calories while you are rest. If you lose muscle, your body will not be able to process the calories you ingest as efficiently. Studies show that dieters tend to lose 25 percent muscle and 75 percent fat. You need to try not to lose any of the muscle. Maintaining your muscle is done by doing strength exercise. Strength exercise involves resistance, such as; exercising with weights or dyna bands.

2. Exercise increases the calories burned. Bottom line here is that when you exercise you are going to lose weight, as long as you make reasonable choices most of the time. You are going to be able to consume more calories just because you exercise. Exercise can be used to offset that extra piece of pizza you had for dinner.

3. Exercise helps control your appetite. You may feel increased hunger the first day you exercise, but after that due to your body using stored glucose and fat; your sugar levels will remain more even. When sugar levels are even you have less trouble with hunger.

4. Exercise makes you feel better about yourself. Exercise releases endorphins in your brain. This is a chemical that makes you feel good. The psychological effects of exercising do a lot towards keeping you motivated. This benefit by itself should encourage you to exercise. When you feel positive about things, it makes it easier for you to make the right choices.

5. If you exercise regularly you will lose more weight and keep it off. Research shows that the people that are most successful at losing weight and keeping it off the ones that have a regular exercise plan as part of their lifestyle. They also burn off about 2500 to 2800 weekly. This translates into about 6 hours of walking, 3 1/2 hours of swimming or 9 hours of bike riding weekly.

The best way to stick with an exercise plan is to find something you like to do. If you try to make yourself do something you don’t like, you will never stick with it. Exercise has many benefits. One thing is for sure, if you want to lose weight and expect to keep it off, exercise will have to become a regular part of your lifestyle.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Weight Loss and Staying Motivated

Trying to lose weight has probably got to be the single most difficult thing in my life that I have tried to accomplish. Ask anyone else that has lost weight or tried to lose weight and I am sure that they will tell you the same thing. If it was easy, a larger percentage of people would be successful at it.

I think motivation is a major determining factor in how successful you are going to be at achieving your weight loss goals. If motivation is something that could be bought, we would all be rich and thin, but unfortunately it is something you have to work at. What works best for me is identifying certain things that make me feel like sticking to my plan and reaching my goals. Once I have identified these motivating factors; I surround myself with them and practice them.

The single thing that motivates me the most is success stories. When I say success stories, I mean people who have used a plan that is sensible. I tend to try to stay away from the “to good to be true” testimonials. You know the ones, “I took this pill and lost 100 pounds in six months and you too can do the same” or advertisements where they are talking about somebody’s weight loss and below it in tiny print are the words “results not typical.” If the results are not typical, what it means to me is it will not work that way for 95 percent of the people that try it.

The stories that motivate me are the ones where they lost 1 to 2 pounds a week and they did it with a tolerable, sensible diet and tolerable, regular exercise. When I say tolerable, I mean something you can live with, because if it is hard to live with you are not likely to stick with the plan for very long. People that have lost a lot of weight following a diet plan, that meets this criterion, are a lot more likely to keep the weight off.

I also tend to stay motivated if I do a lot of reading or research on subject matter that pertains to the task at hand. So, I spend a lot of time at the library and Barnes and Noble getting the latest information about things that are happening in the weight loss industry and learning about how the successful people reached their weight loss goal.

The other thing I have learned to do is avoid things that are going to cause me to feel overwhelmed. Nothing zaps my motivation quicker than feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. If I can do things in an organized fashion 80 percent of the time, I will be able to stay on track and take the necessary steps to stay motivated to reach my weight loss goals.

The sooner you can identify the things in your life that make you feel good about your self, the better things are going to be for you. Surround yourself with positive things and you will find it easier to stay motivated not only in your weight loss journey, but also in other areas of your life.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Overweight Children—What Part do the Parents Play?

It takes two things to maintain a healthy body. They are exercise and proper nutrition. Of children 6 years and older, 15% are obese. This number has tripled since the 1970s. You, as the parent, play a big role in your child's weight. Children do not usually prepare their own food. They eat what is served to them and what is made available to them for snacks.

In most cases, overweight children do not eat the right foods and many of them eat too much. Overeating is easy to do. Everywhere you look, the portion sizes are out of control and the foods are not necessarily nutritious. There are fast food restaurants on every corner and junk food machines in the schools. It’s no wonder this country has a weight problem.

Even though society does not make it easy for a person to eat healthy, it is still all about choices. If a 12 year old girl that weighs 90 pounds, goes to McDonald's and orders a Big Mac, a large order of French fries and a large Coke, her meal will consist of 1430 calories and 50 grams of fat. This is 76% of the calories and 94% of the fat she should consume daily.

Now, let's see how things change if she makes some different choices. Let's see what happens if the same girl chooses a McGrill Chicken Sandwich, a side salad with low-calorie dressing and a medium Diet Coke. She will have consumed 440 calories and 20 grams of fat. This is 23% of her daily calorie requirements and 31% of her daily fat requirements.

The second scenario is much healthier than the first and is within in the range that a meal should be for a child that age. If you plan properly and make good choices you can eat healthy no matter where you eat.

You, as a parent, have control over what your child eats. Helping your child develop healthy habits is the best thing you can do for them. Children tend to develop the same habits their parents have, so if you eat healthy there is a good chance your child will follow your example. You are the best chance your child has of living a healthy life style.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


The Dangers of Aspartame

Before I started along the path to my current weight loss journey, I was unaware to many of the dangers in the foods I was consuming, as I am sure most others are. It wasn’t until I was attending a social anxiety group session that I actually found out about Aspartame first hand.

I guess I will begin by explaining exactly what aspartame is. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that has no calories and no nutritional value. It is made of Aspartic Acid. Products use aspartame instead of sugar to promote “low fat” or “low sugar” or “low calories” so that people buy into these products thinking they are better for them.

Some of these products include things like carbonated soft drinks, powdered soft drinks, chewing gum, confections, gelatins, dessert mixes, puddings and fillings, frozen desserts, yogurt, tabletop sweeteners, and some pharmaceuticals such as vitamins and sugar-free cough drops and Crystal Light that is used to flavor water.

Scientific testing was done to establish aspartame's safety, which resulted in brain tumors and grand mal seizures in rat studies, and depression, menstrual irregularities, constipation, headaches, tiredness, and general swelling in human test groups. When exposed to heat, aspartame breaks down into toxic methyl alcohol. It was also stated that 75% of the adverse reactions to food additives were linked to aspartame use.

Aspartame and glutamate act as neurotransmitters in the brain by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron to neuron. Too much aspartame or glutamate in the brain kills certain neurons by allowing the influx of too much calcium into the cells. This influx triggers excessive amounts of free radicals, which kill the cells. The neural cell damage that can be caused by excessive aspartame and glutamate is why they are referred to as "excitotoxins." They "excite" or stimulate the neural cells to death.

Aspartic acid is an amino acid. Taken in its free form (unbound to proteins) it significantly raises the blood plasma level of aspartate and glutamate. The excess aspartate and glutamate in the blood plasma shortly after ingesting aspartame or products with free glutamic acid (glutamate precursor) leads to a high level of those neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain.

The blood brain barrier (BBB), which normally protects the brain from excess glutamate and aspartate as well as toxins, 1) is not fully developed during childhood, 2) does not fully protect all areas of the brain, 3) is damaged by numerous chronic and acute conditions, and 4) allows seepage of excess glutamate and aspartate into the brain even when intact. The excess glutamate and aspartate slowly begin to destroy neurons. The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed.

As of today, there are now 92 known dangerous side-effects that are a result of using products that contain aspartame. These being anything ranging from blindness and headaches to epilepsy or Alzheimer’s disease.

As I stated previously, I was able to find out about this danger because of an anxiety group I had attended. The lady who ran the group had suffered some of these symptoms that her doctor linked to the use of aspartame products when she was dieting. She experienced over 75 mini-strokes, as well as having to walk with a cane for 2 years all as a result from this.

As a conclusion, all I ask is that all of you read the nutritional labels to the foods you are buying for you and your family. In most cases, if you can’t pronounce the ingredients on the label, they are not good for you and contain no nutritional value. So please be safe and happy dieting!

About Author
By Missy Wagner at Biggest Loser Forums and The Biggest Loser Blog

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Is Gastric Bypass Surgery a Solution to Obesity?

Gastric bypass surgery is quickly becoming an option as a solution to obesity. Obesity is a term that refers to someone who is excessively overweight. Just by looking around when I go out into public, I would have to say that America as a whole has a weight problem. I think back when I went to school, in a class of 30, I can recall 3 class mates that I thought were overweight. I look at my son’s class and would have guess about 30-40 percent of his class mates’ look heavier than they should be.

Obesity is known to cause premature death, especially if you have been obese for more than ten years. With the number of obese adults estimated to be at about 60 million, obesity is quickly becoming the number one cause of preventable death in this country. The number of obese children stands at about 9 million and has tripled in the past 25 years. This problem is fast reaching epidemic proportions. More and more doctors are beginning to recommend gastric bypass as permanent solution to obesity.

Some of the medical conditions commonly associated with obesity are cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, arthritis and bladder control problems. There are also psychological conditions related to being overweight, such as; low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. Another thing that comes along with obesity is discrimination.

Gastric bypass surgery is being used more as a solution to these weight related issues. It is common now for insurance companies to pick up the cost and in the past year Medicare has also started paying for gastric bypass surgery. Medicare agreeing to pay will open the door for the gastric bypass surgery to become more common.

This was a good decision. Gastric bypass surgery is major surgery, but in most cases it is going to add years to your life and increase your quality of life. In the long run it will also save on future health care costs.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


How Does Lap Band Surgery Work?

With obesity at epidemic proportions in America today, the medical profession is searching for new solutions to the growing problem. Lap band surgery is quickly becoming an option for dealing with obesity. This type of gastric bypass surgery has been perform in Mexico for many years, but is just beginning to become widely performed in this country.

The purpose of gastric bypass surgery is to reduce the top of the stomach to the size of an egg. As a result, the amount of food a person can consume is limited. Lap band surgery does this by putting a band around the stomach, forming a small pouch at the top that is separate from the rest of the stomach. The actual operation itself usually takes less than hour.

The band is inserted through a very small incision through the abdomen. This band has a balloon that makes it adjustable and can be inflated or deflated at any time after the operation. The band adjustment is performed as a simple outpatient procedure that normally takes about 15 minutes. Saline is inserted through a port under the stomach wall that is connected to the band.

The recovery time for lap band surgery is minimal compared to the other types of gastric bypass surgery. It requires 1-2 day hospital stay and most patients are able to return to work within a week.

Lap band surgery is relatively simple and doctors having great success with it. I think you are going to see a lot more of lap band surgeries performed in the future as this country begins to deal with its weight problem.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Weight Loss Facts and Fiction

There are many things being said about losing weight that are simply not true. Sometimes it is hard to separate fact from fiction. Here are some facts to consider while you are making the lifestyle changes necessary to lose weight.

Consuming fewer calories will help you break a weight loss plateau. Not true. It will cause your body to hold onto every calorie it has, because it thinks it is being starved. Increasing your exercise and even increasing your calorie intake slightly is going to be your best option for breaking a plateau.

Eating late at night will cause you to gain weight. It is what you eat and not when you that affects your weight gain. It just so happens that people tend to eat more junk food in the evenings and that is where the weight gain comes in. There is nothing wrong with a healthy snack in the evening.

No eating between meals. I recommend just the opposite. Your body is going to function more efficiently if it is fed every 2-3 hours. If you are getting hungry, it is better to eat before you become famished. You have a better chance of being able to control what you eat, if you eat before you are starving.

Don’t give into cravings, because they are all in your head. Giving into a craving while it is still and urge and one serving will satisfy it, is better than waiting until it is an obsession and may lead to a binge. Have a small serving of the food you crave and move past it.

Eating breakfast will make you hungry all day. As long as you eat more than carbohydrates for breakfast, this will not be true. Carbohydrates do not stay with you very long and you will soon feel hungry again. It is best to have foods with protein and a small amount of fat. You find they will keep you full longer than bagels or doughnuts.

You can eat anything you want as long as it is fat-free. Not true. At the end of the day, it is the number of calories that is important. If you read the label, fat-free products usually have as many calories, if not more calories, than foods that are not “fat-free.” You will also find that most fat-free products contain a lot of sugar. They have to put something in it to make it taste good.

There are many tips that have been passed down through the years and as time passes, research may tell us that these facts may indeed be myths. Taking time to keep up on the latest research can be very helpful, when it comes to losing weight.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Obesity is Becoming a Problem in China

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, China is beginning to have problem with weight. Nearly 20 percent of the 1.3 billion people that live in China are overweight and the problem has become extreme among children. Between 1985 and 2000 the number of overweight children has increased 28 times.

China’s economy is booming and along with that comes money and business. They are now able to afford cars, where before the biggest majority of the Chinese rode bicycles. Fast food restaurants have also become common place on China.

China will soon be faced with an epidemic of citizens that are suffeingr from the usual weight related illnesses, such as; diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and a number of other conditions related to being overweight. China’s fast growing economy will pay out a lot to treat these illnesses if they don’t start getting their weight under control.

At the rate that China has gone from starving to being overweight, they are going to be in trouble if they don’t start making some changes. The weight gain is credited to a diet that has changed from cereals and grains to animal products and fats.

More than 1 in 5 Chinese residents is overweight, but this statistic is still shy of that of the United States, where 3 in 5 adults are overweight. According to Chinese culture, that excess body fat is a sign of wealth and prosperity, but if it ruins your health, what good is that health and prosperity.

Let’s hope that the Chinese are able to do something about their weight problem before it reaches the epidemic proportions that it has gotten to in the United States. The last thing the Chinese need after improving their economy is a country full of people with weight related illnesses.

About Author
Marjorie Salada is the owner of Weight Loss 3000, a website that contains information on weight loss, exercise, weight loss surgery and living a healthy lifestyle.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Menopause And Weight Gain

If you're like many women who are thirty-and-forty-something, you've probably noticed that you're gaining weight that stubbornly refuses to take its departure. You're also probably thinking that this extra weight couldn't possibly be due to menopause - after all, you're still experiencing regular periods.

Weight gain in pre-menopausal women is quite normal because menopause actually occurs in three major stages and can take 15 years or longer, depending on your age and family history. The first stage of menopause is known as perimenopause, and symptoms include spotting, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, irregular periods and weight gain.

Most women will notice weight gain as one of the first symptoms of menopause, especially around the abdomen. This is due to the fact that their hormone levels are declining drastically.

One of the hormones that will have an effect on women as they approach and experience menopause is estrogen, which is the female sex hormone that is responsible for causing monthly ovulation. During your menopausal years, your estrogen levels decline rapidly, causing your body to eventually stop ovulating. This is the hormone that seems to play a big role in menopausal weight gain. When your ovaries produce less estrogen, your body will look for other places from where to get needed estrogen. Fat cells in your body can produce estrogen, so your body works harder to convert calories into fat to increase estrogen levels.

Another hormone responsible for your new body is androgen, which can be blamed for sending your new weight to your middle section. In fact, weight gain during these menopausal years is often referred to as “middle age spread” due to the rapid growth of the mid-section. Often, this is one of the very first signs of menopause.

Women also experience a drop in their testosterone levels during these years. While it’s true that testosterone is known as the “male hormone,” women have testosterone too, and this hormone helps your body to create lean muscle mass out of the calories that you consume. Since muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells do, with higher testosterone levels you’ll have increased metabolism. Because your body is producing less testosterone during menopause you’ll notice a loss of muscle, an increase in body fat and a much lower metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat does, so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be. As you know, the lower your metabolism, the slower your body burns calories.

Women can benefit a great deal by committing to a regular exercise routine. It's important to know that weight training plays a very important role in losing the extra weight you've gained. You can keep the weight off by building muscle to help burn calories.

In summary, every woman's hormone levels decline at some point in their lives. Yes, this is going to result in some uncomfortable symptoms, but it's certainly not the end of the world. You can naturally reduce a lot of menopausal symptoms by simply making some lifestyle changes that will help to make you look and feel beautiful and energized.

About Author
Susan Megge is the founder of http://www.40isbeautiful.com, a website designed to assist mature women as they approach and experience menopause. She is a grandmother, who started experiencing symptoms of menopause several years ago and researched various avenues to deal with these symptoms naturally. This led to her discovery of the significant role that exercise plays in making menopause a very manageable, and even wonderful time in a woman's life. Susan Megge is the author of "Being Beautiful Beyond 40," a book dedicated to helping women to be inspired, confident and beautiful as they approach menopause.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Why do People Get Eating Disorders?

More than 5 million people in this country suffer from eating disorders. This problem is growing at an alarming rate. An eating disorder is like any other addiction. You know it can kill you, but you don't have any control over it. It is like an alcoholic. He knows his drinking can kill him, but he does it anyway. It is the nature of the disease, but that does not mean that it can not be treated.

Contrary to popular belief, eating disorders are not about eating or being skinny. They are about control and self-expression. A person with an eating disorder usually feels that other areas of their life are out of control and their eating or lack of it is the one thing they do have control over.

Their dieting may start about being thin and beautiful, because that is what is considered desirable in our society today. They want to be perfect, but then the dieting goes too far. These disorders are very complicated and take long and intensive treatment. Many people that suffer from eating disorders never do recover.

Eating disorders happen mostly in young women with a history of dieting. Most people are predisposed to these disorders and have addictive tendencies. When they are faced with life’s problems, they do not cope the same way as most people do. Like any other addict, if they can't control situations in their life, they will find something that they can control or get comfort from and that is the way they deal with food.

For a long time, a person with an eating disorder may be able to keep it hidden. This makes it even harder to make changes, because this person has suffered in silence for so long they do not know how to open up to other people. Learning to trust and talk to other people is a very important when it comes to person with an eating disorder recovering.

Unfortunately, eating disorders will eventually have severe consequences. They will affect your heart, kidneys and liver. It causes osteoporosis and muscle deterioration. It also weakens your immune system and causes anemia. As many as 20 percent of all people, who suffer from eating disorders, will die from their disease.

Eating disorders are very complicated and learning how to recover from this disorder is a lifelong process, but with time and professional help a person is able to make significant strides towards living a normal life. Getting help and learning to trust again is the key.

About Author
Marjorie Salada is the owner of Weight Loss 3000, a website that contains information on weight loss, exercise, weight loss surgery and living a healthy lifestyle.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


What Does Stress have to do With Losing Weight?

You can eat healthy and exercise on a regular basis, but if you don’t deal with your feelings and what is in your head, you still aren’t going to feel good. Our emotions and our mental health have a lot do with who we are and the decisions we make in our lives.

Eliminating stress, or I guess I should say reducing stress, I don’t think you can completely eliminate it in today’s society, it is going to go a long way in improving your quality of life. The problem is a lot of people are under so much stress, they don’t know where to start to make changes to reduce it.

Here are some of thing that I have found helpful in reducing stress in my life:
• Do 5 five minutes of deep breathing.
• Take some time to reflect on the positive things in your life.
• Say “no” to tasks you don’t want to do and you don’t have to do.
• Have a bed time ritual. (I cross stitch or read for up to an hour before I go to bed).
• Do deep relaxation or medication exercises.
• Spend some time doing something you know will make you feel better. This could be doing something to pamper your self, taking a walk in the park, organizing a small area of your home or office, writing a letter to a friend or writing in a journal. This can be any number of things that you may enjoy.
• Spend some quality time with your family.

I have found that getting organized in other areas of my life makes it easier for me to make healthy food choices and to stick to a regular exercise plan. My experience is that when I get organized in some areas of my life the other areas of my life soon fall into place.

As soon as I start experience a lot of chaos in my life, I try to take some steps to eliminate the stress and get the important things in my life back into place and then it makes easier to move forward with the areas that take more time and effort.

About Author
Marjorie Salada is the owner of Weight Loss 3000, a website that contains information on weight loss, exercise, weight loss surgery and living a healthy lifestyle.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Phentermine - Works Wonders!

Weight loss is certainly not a piece of cake! Not if you try to lose weight through a rigorous exercise schedule combined with a strict diet alone! It will take weeks before you can even start noticing the results! It’s obvious that no one wants to take the slim narrow path! So, you want something different? The wider and easier road? Something that will help you lose weight with the minimum possible efforts from your side?

No, you are not being shown a dream. It can actually happen- through diet pills! Diet pills speed up your weight loss process so that you lose weight in a matter of days! You can now attain that to-die-for figure with phentermine!

Phentermine is the most preferred diet pill today! It initiates your weight loss process and starts a snowball-rolling-down-the-hill effect that helps you shed the unwanted pounds! It isn’t surprising that phentermine has become the number one diet pill in the U.S. it has been approved by the
FDA, so, it guarantees safe weight loss!

Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that works on your brain. When you consume the pill it increases the number of chemicals that suppress your appetite. The larger the number of these chemicals, the better will your appetite be regulated. With phentermine you do away with your continuous urge for food and eat only that your body requires. So, that takes care of your bad snacking habits!

Phentermine is relatively cheaper than other similar products. What’s more, online pharmacies offer you great bargains! You get heavy discounts on buying phentermine!

So, are you ready to see yourself in a new light altogether! You must be really tired of seeing the same old overweight, lazy person in the mirror everyday! Phentermine will help you shed your old self and reveal a ‘new’ you! It aids you in achieving your weight loss goals in a safe and effective manner.

So, compliment your exercise regime and strict diet with phentermine and you wont have to wait long to see the results! Phentermine will work wonders for you!

About Author
“Kim Parker” is an associate editor to the website www.hateweight.com. It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, didrex and phendimetrazine. We also provide articles on health related topics.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


The Importance of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Amazing as it may seem, water should be the most important part of your weight loss program. Water is a true catalyst when it comes to weight loss and keeping it off permanently. You should drink 64 ounces of water a day. If you drink very little water now, you are probably going to have gradually increase your water intake until you reach 64 ounces. Adding more water to your diet will help you have a more consistent weight loss.

Here are some facts about water and the reasons that it can help you with your weight loss:
• Water suppresses your appetite naturally and helps you body metabolize stored fat. Research has shown that decreasing your water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while increasing your water intake can reduce fat deposits.
• The way to fight fluid retention is to drink enough water. When the body does not get enough water it tends to hold on to every drop for dear life, causing your body to store water outside the cells, resulting in swelling. Using diuretics will cause the same effect. If you are experiencing excess water retention, you may want to examine the amount of salt that is in your diet. Your weight loss will come faster if you can reduce the amount of salt in your diet. If you are overweight you need more water than a person of normal weight.
• Water helps your muscles maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles the natural ability to contract and by preventing dehydration.
• Water helps prevent the sagging skin that follows weight loss.
• Water helps rid you body of waste and it also helps prevent constipation.
• Water is absorbed into your system more quickly if it is cold. There is evidence to suggest that drinking cold water can burn calories.
• When you drink the optimum amount of water and you no longer experience fluid retention, more fat is used to fuel your body and you will experience less cravings and hunger.

Water truly does sustain your life and without we will die. It is amazing that something so simple and something that is free is so important to our lives. If you drink 64 ounces of water daily, within a month you should notice a lot of differences in yourself. Our bodies are made up mostly of water and the best way to keep them healthy is to drink a lot of it.

About Author
Marjorie Salada is the owner of Weight Loss 3000, a website that contains information on weight loss, exercise, weight loss surgery and living a healthy lifestyle.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Exercise = Weight Loss; The Only Way

Exercise = Weight Loss; The only way to get on the road to losing fat and gaining muscle There Are No Short Cuts On This Road (No matter how much you want to believe those ads you see everywhere you go) Exercise and Proper Dieting is the key to a satisfactory conclusion when you want to lose weight. SUPPLEMENTS CAN BUILD MUSCLE OR BURN FAT, AS THE KEY TO TRANSFORMING YOUR BODY.

That's the message, Plus Size Figure.com carries to women all over the world. Our website comprising of sources to fitness training, nutritionists, gynecologists and orthopedic surgeon aim to bring you a complete resource on how to achieve a healthy and permanent weight loss.

Your body is composed of two components fat and fat-free, such as muscle, bone, and water. Each of these components plays a critical role in the health of the body. The Fat Mass in your body or (FM) is the total amount of fat in the body. The ideal amount of fat for minimal disease risk is 23%-31% of total body weight in women.

The following types of fat is what your body's Fat mass consists of:

* Subcutaneous Fat, also called Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (SAT), is located directly beneath the skin. Subcutaneous fat serves as insulation against outside cold.

* Visceral Fat, also called Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT), is located deeper within the body. Visceral fat serves as a cushion between organs. Omental and mesenteric fat (in the abdomen) are examples of visceral fat.

Fat-Free Mass (FFM), also called Lean Body Mass (LBM), is the total amount of nonfat (lean) parts of the body. It consists of approximately 73% water, 20% protein, 6% minerals, and 1% ash.

Healthy weight is defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to or greater than 19 and less than 24.9 among all people aged 20 or over. To determine body mass index, divide weight in kilograms (2.2 lbs. = 1 kg) by height in meters squared (39.4 ins. = 1 m). Click here to check your BMI.

A woman possessing a BMI equal to or greater than 25 and less than 29.9, is considered overweight with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type II Diabetes.

Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 30, which approximates 30 pounds of excess weight. This category can be further divided into three depending on the body mass index, Mild Obesity with a BMI of 30-34.9, Moderate Obesity--35-39.9(BMI) and finally Extreme Obesity with a BMI of >40.

Another common way of analyzing body weight is the use of Waist-to-Hip ratio, WHR is calculated as follows:
WHR = Waist Circumference ÷ Hip Circumference, a desirable WHR is <0.80 for women. A waist-to-hip ratio of 1.0 or higher is considered "at risk" or in the danger zone for undesirable health consequences, such as heart disease and other ailments connected with being overweight.

Measuring waist circumference is a common measure used to assess abdominal fat content. The presence of excess body fat in the abdomen, when out of proportion to total body fat, is considered an independent predictor of risk factors and ailments associated with obesity. Women are at risk who have a waist measurement greater than 35 inches (88 cm).

So Lady's, adopt some from of weight management program with sensible goals and expectations. You should lose weight gradually. For a safe and healthy weight loss try not to loss more than two pounds per week. If you feel you need to loss weight rapidly please consult with a physician.

About The Author: William Wynn a Fashion Designer and Manufacturer of apparel for over 15 years. So stop by and visit me at http://www.plussizefigure.com for more great clothing.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Can You Don a Bikini and Hit the Beach Using the South Beach Diet?

Diet books and fad diets are nothing new. It seems every few months there's a new weight loss program being touted by the so-called experts as the "new miracle diet". We, as consumers, are bombarded by before and after pictures and testimonials from people who have successfully lost weight with some fabulous new program.

Two years ago, another new diet book hit the shelves. It was called "The South Beach Diet", written by Dr. Arthur Agatston. Since its release in 2003, The South Beach Diet has been listed on the New York Times' bestseller list for an impressive 103 weeks. Dr. Agatston has released companion books, started a fee-based website, and is working with Kraft Foods to create a line of pre-packaged South Beach menu items. How is this diet any different from the others, and more importantly, does it work?

The main idea behind South Beach is to eat three meals a day along with snacks and even dessert, while avoiding highly processed foods. Dr. Agatston says that South Beach is not low carb or low fat, but rather good carb and good fat. The diet is broken down into three phases: phase one is very restrictive and lasts about two weeks, phase two is much more open with food choices and lasts until you reach your goal weight, and phase three is called 'maintenance', which should guide your food choices for the rest of your life.

During phase one, you can eat until you are full (not stuffed full, just no longer hungry) from a list of approved foods. The list consists of mainly vegetables and lean meat, including seafood, as well as low fat or fat-free dairy products and legumes. You can have sugar-free Jell-o or popsicles as treats; up to 75 calories worth per day. Nuts and natural peanut butter are also on the list, but with limits. You're basically giving up bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and sugar in all of its forms. The South Beach Diet book claims that you can lose 8-13 pounds in just two weeks on phase one, and that you will lose belly fat first.

Phase two widens your menu quite a bit. You can now eat whole grain bread and pasta, brown rice, select fruits, and (my personal favourite) sugar-free Jell-o pudding. Still no sugar though, except for the occasional bite of dark chocolate. Good carbs in the form of whole grains and legumes, and good fats in the form of unsaturated, non-hydrogenated things like I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray and olive oil are all approved.

Once you've reached your goal weight, you're pretty much on your own. Phase three lets you eat within the phase two guidelines, adding occasional treats and 'white' food, but omitting the snacks you've come to depend on. There isn't much guidance here, since by now you should know what your body is able to handle. Dr. Agatston recommends that you return to phase two if you find yourself gaining weight again.

Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? The book even claims that you don't need to exercise to lose weight with this plan (although it does recommend that you add physical activity as part of your weight loss effort). While the eating plan is certainly healthy, there are some drawbacks to this diet - or at least with the way it is presented.

Phase one is very restrictive. Sure, you're only on it for two weeks, and the potential weight loss is very encouraging. Many people, however, do not lose the 'guaranteed' 8-13 pounds in phase one and get discouraged. Not only that, but suddenly dropping all sugar and refined carbs from your diet can cause dizziness, light-headedness, an inability to focus or concentrate, and constipation (believe it or not). This rapid weight loss phase is designed to control your cravings, but sometimes the side effects just aren't worth it. If you think you can manage your cravings, head straight for phase two.

South Beach also recommends that you use sugar substitutes, specifically Splenda. Some people have trouble digesting aspartame, while others prefer to avoid one unhealthy substance and substitute it with a chemically processed alternative. Explore your options in this case – there are other ways to sweeten foods without sugar or chemicals.

While you're on phase two, your weight loss should slow down to one or two pounds a week, according to the book. This is reasonable, and slow weight loss is definitely healthier than dropping pounds rapidly. It is a balanced diet and has great effects on your health, with the added benefit of losing unwanted pounds. What is confusing as far as the book is concerned though is that there are ingredients in the recipes that aren't found on the recommended "Foods to Enjoy" list. Also, Dr. Agatston asks that you add grains and fruit back to your diet slowly; only one serving a day to start, and gradually increase your servings until you find your weight loss slowing down. If you follow the daily menu plans in the book though, there are several fruit and grain servings for each day.

For anyone who needs a structured plan based on numbers, The South Beach Diet is not the way to go. But if you like the freedom of not having to count anything and using common sense to lose weight, then South Beach is more of a strategic eating plan than a rigid diet and would work very well for you. Keep in mind that all diets revolve around the same principal: take in fewer calories than you burn off. Burn more calories than you consume, and the weight will come off. Eating well and enjoying healthy food is integral to this process, and that's where The South Beach Diet shines.

About Author
Jacob Mabille writes for Health Guides & Articles where you can find more health tips and related articles. You may republish this article only if you retain resource box and active hyperlinks.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


Weight Lifting Routine - How to Lift Like a Guy

Have you ever watched guys in the gym? Of course you have! We've all seen them strutting over to the squat rack or bench press and try to lift so much weight that we think their eyeballs might pop out of their heads from the strain. Although we may silently snicker at their obvious attempts to impress us with their brute strength, we can take away something very valuable from their approach to a weight lifting routine.

Guys generally have a "get it done and move on" attitude that they apply to most things in life including their weight lifting routine. Women, on the other hand, tend to dither around and analyze everything to the point of driving themselves mad. So how can we apply a guy's easy going attitude to reap the maximum benefit for our own fitness goals?

Learn How to Lift like a Guy!

That's right! Elbow your way over to the big free weights and dig in just like he does. While you might not be able to lift as much as your guy, you can certainly enjoy the two-fold benefit of lifting like a guy.

Benefit #1: More muscle mass and less body fat. More muscle mass will use more calories at rest and that can equate to less overall body fat. Don't worry about lifting heavy weights and becoming a muscle bound beast because women's bodies simply don't produce enough testosterone to create muscle mass on par with Hulk Hogan. Women bodybuilders with huge muscle mass are supporting that mass with anabolic steroids, so unless that's the look you're going for, it simply won't be a problem. In the world of natural womens fitness, a weight lifting routine with emphasis on heavy weights will only result in less body fat and beautiful, sexy curves.

Benefit #2: Spend less time in the gym. By applying the "get it done and move on" attitude to your weight lifting routine, you can reap maximum benefit in less time. Guys tend to go for compound exercises that work more than one body part at a time and they lift enough weight that their muscles fatigue in a shorter amount of time. The result? More muscle mass in less time! Pick a compound exercise and use enough weight that completing one set of 8 to 10 reps is a challenge. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then try to do one more set of 8 to 10 reps. Don't freak out if you can't complete the entire second set. That only means that your muscles are sufficiently fatigued. Move on because you're done with that exercise.

Ditch the wimpy pastel colored weights ladies! Grab some heavy weights and modify your weight lifting routine to include guy-style compound exercises. You'll be amazed at the results if done regularly.

About Author
Rebecca Welch is a successful Webmaster and publisher of WomensFitness.com. She provides researched information on womens fitness lifestyles.

Source: ArticleTrader.com


How to Burn off Body Fat with a Compound Exercise Workout

How to burn off body fat. It's the burning question for any person who wants to look good in a swim suit. A clean diet of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains and essential fatty acids counts for as much as 80% of your fat burning efforts. The remaining 20% is left for exercise. Let's learn how to burn off body fat quickly with compound exercises. These 5 compound weightlifting exercises can give you maximum results in minimum time because each exercise works a large group of muscles rather than isolating individual muscles. This will burn more calories in less time while prompting the body to increase muscle mass and burn stored body fat.

1. Clean and Press
Facing the barbell, stand with legs shoulder width apart, keep your knees inside your arms and feet flat on the floor. Squat down and extend your arms completely. Grab the barbell with an overhand grip that is shoulder width distance apart. Extend your knees, move your hips forward, raise your shoulders, and lift the barbell straight up all in one movement.
Move your hips forward and continue pulling until your knees are under the barbell. Lift bar quickly by extending you knees and hips in a jumping movement. Pull the barbell as high as possible while keeping it close to your body. Shrug your shoulders and exhale.
Slowly rotate your elbows under the barbell and hold the bar across the front of your shoulders. Press the barbell overhead while maintaining control of the barbell and then lower it slowly to the upper part of your thighs. Squat down to the while keeping barbell close to your shins. Return the barbell to the ground. This movement involves all major muscle groups.

2. Bench Press
Lie face up on a flat bench, slightly arch your back, keep your buttocks touching the bench and feet flat on the floor. Hold the barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip and just a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Inhale and lower the bar to chest level making sure that your elbows are parallel to the ground. Exhale while extending your arms back up to end to movement. Maintain control of the weights at all times.

3. Deadlift
Facing the barbell, stand with legs shoulder width apart, stomach muscles tightened and slightly arch your back. Bend from your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold the bar using either an overhand or underhand grip. Inhale and lift the bar by straightening the legs. Contract the back muscles at the top of the movement. Exhale as you lower the bar to the starting position.

4. Squats
Slide under the barbell and place it across the tops of your shoulders, not your neck. Grip the bar with your hands and look directly in front of you. Inhale and tighten the stomach muscles so that your body doesn't collapse forward. Slightly arch your back and remove the barbell from its stand. Step back a few paces from the stand and place both feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart. Toes should be pointed slightly outward. Bend forward from your hips and continue until your thighs are just beyond parallel to the floor. Exhale while straightening your legs and lift your body back to the starting position. Dumbbells can be used as an alternative to the barbell.

5. Military Press
Sit on a flat bench with your back straight and hold the barbell with an overhand grip. Inhale, extend your arms and push the barbell upward. Lower the barbell back down as you exhale.

Vary the weight used, number of reps and number of sets to keep your body challenged. You can do one set of each exercise with heavy weights if you're short on time. Finish this compound exercise workout with a few tough sets of crunches or other abdominal exercises and you will have hit every major muscle group in your body. Applying this or any other workout to your lifestyle consistently is the key principle in how to burn off body fat.

About Author
Rebecca Welch is a successful Webmaster and publisher of WomensFitness.com. She provides researched information on womens fitness lifestyles.
Source: ArticleTrader.com